When you resize the plug-in window in Ableton Live, it may become very large and it will be impossible to resize it.
This issue only affects the Audio Units version of the plug-ins.
We recommend you use the VST3 version instead, which does not have this problem.
If you don't currently have VST3s enabled, please enable them with the "Use VST3 Plug-In System Folders" option in Ableton Live's settings, seen at the bottom here:
You can reset the size of the AU plug-in window by deleting its' preference plist from your User preferences folder.
In the Finder, click the Go menu and choose "Go to Folder..." (alternatively, use the Command+Shift+G shortcut.)
Paste this path into the resulting Go To popup, including the "~" and making sure there are no extra spaces afterwards:
The file to delete is named according to the software, as:
If com.synchroarts.VocAlign6ProAU.plist is not present, you may have com.synchroarts.VocALignUltraAU.plist instead — delete this for the same effect.
Follow this by rebooting your computer, before opening your Digital Audio Workstation again.
macOS caches some Audio Unit settings, and rebooting clears them — opening your digital audio workstation before rebooting may cause the window size to remain too large.