When you resize the VocAlign Project 5, VocAlign Ultra, or VocAlign 6 Standard/Pro plug-in window in Ableton Live, it may become very large and it will be impossible to resize it.
This issue only affects the Audio Units version of the plug-ins.
We recommend you use the VST3 version instead, which does not have this problem.
You can reset the size of the VocAlign AU plug-in window by deleting the file com.synchroarts.VocALignProject5.plist, com.synchroarts.VocALignUltraAU.plist, com.synchroarts.VocAlign6StandardAU.plist, or com.synchroarts.VocAlign6ProAU.plist depending on which software you have,
that you will find in your Mac’s User Preferences folder.
Click on the Go menu in the Finder, hold the alt (or option) key on your Mac keyboard and watch for the Library entry to appear between Home and Computer
This is the Library folder you want, so click on it, then navigate to the Preferences folder, where you will find com.synchroarts.VocALignProject5.plist, com.synchroarts.VocALignUltraAU.plist, com.synchroarts.VocAlign6StandardAU.plist, or com.synchroarts.VocAlign6ProAU.plist which you can delete.